How to use the site
  • Click a character from the top menu and then click the cell where you wish to place that character. The actively selected character will be highlighted.
  • Overwrite cells by placing a different character there or delete the value by clicking again with the current value.
  • Click the reset button to clear your progress.
  • Click the New Puzzle to select a new puzzle from the same or a new difficulty. Already completed puzzles will have a completely green background while partially completed puzzles will be partially green.
  • Click the Home button to return to the home for this puzzle.
  • If you win, a message should appear allowing you to select a new puzzle.
  • Click the Show Solution button right above this message to show the solution.
Rules of the Game
Solve each sudoku puzzle while scoring the correct number of runs each inning. Moving from left to right in a row, each cell represents the outcome of an at-bat and the inning ends when there are 3 outs.

Possible outcomes are BB, 1B, 2B, 3B, HR, K, L, O, F, G. Each size of puzzle uses a subset of these possibilities.

A BB, 1B, 2B, 3B, or HR works as expected. All runners advance 1 base on a 1B, 2 bases on a 2B, and score on 3B or HR. Only forced runners advance 1 base on a BB.

A strikeout (K), lineout (L), or generic out (O) all just add 1 out and don't impact any runners.

A flyout (F) adds 1 out. If it is not the 3rd out, then a runner on 3rd scores and a runner on 2nd advances to 3rd.

For simplicity, ground outs (G) clear the bases. The batter plus any runners are converted into outs.
Example Innings
Outs Runs 0 1B Outs Runs 1 3B Outs Runs 2 F Outs Runs 2 2B Outs Runs 2 BB Outs Runs 2 GHRKL Outs Runs 0 2B Outs Runs 0 1B Outs Runs 0 GHRKLBB3BF Outs Runs 0 K Outs Runs 1 HR Outs Runs 1 G Outs Runs 1 3B Outs Runs 1 FL1B2BBB Outs Runs 0 2B Outs Runs 0 1B Outs Runs 0 BB Outs Runs 1 F Outs Runs 1 GHRK3BL Outs Runs 0 3B Outs Runs 0 G Outs Runs 1 HR Outs Runs 1 2B Outs Runs 1 1B Outs Runs 1 BB Outs Runs 1 KLF Outs Runs 0 1B Outs Runs 0 F Outs Runs 0 2B Outs Runs 0 GLBBHRK3B Outs Runs 0 3B Outs Runs 0 G Outs Runs 0 BB Outs Runs 0 1B Outs Runs 1 2B Outs Runs 4 HR Outs Runs 4 KFL Outs Runs 0 2B Outs Runs 0 BB Outs Runs 0 F Outs Runs 0 L Outs Runs 0 K3BHR1B Outs Runs 0 2B Outs Runs 0 1B Outs Runs 0 K Outs Runs 0 L Outs Runs 0 O3B
Tips & Tricks
As long as you remember the 9 (or 6/8) possibilities, any sudoku technique works the same so make sure you know the basics. Advanced techniques might help, but they are not required and will not be enough to solve a puzzle without some baseball logic.

The left side of the grid is the best area to focus on because it doesn't matter what happens after 3 outs.

Home runs are very definitive so they are often the easiest to eliminate or require. K, L, and O produce the same outcomes so they are hardest to place and usually depend on sudoku constraints.

Don't forget about the possibility of double/triple plays and sacrifice flies. Make sure these special outs don't allow for a seemingly impossible outcome before eliminating an option.
Congrats, you beat the level!!
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6 7 8 9 10 11