Launch | Name | Country | Goal | Result | Details |
1960 | Korabl 4 | USSR | Flyby | Failure | Didn't reach Earth orbit |
1960 | Korabl 5 | USSR | Flyby | Failure | Didn't reach Earth orbit |
1962 | Korabl 11 | USSR | Flyby | Failure | Earth orbit only; spacecraft broke apart |
1962 | Mars 1 | USSR | Flyby | Failure | Radio Failed |
1962 | Korabl 13 | USSR | Flyby | Failure | Earth orbit only; spacecraft broke apart |
1964 | Mariner 3 | US | Flyby | Failure | Shroud failed to jettison |
1964 | Mariner 4 | US | Flyby | Success | Returned 21 images |
1964 | Zond 2 | USSR | Flyby | Failure | Radio failed |
1969 | Mars 1969A | USSR | Land | Failure | Launch vehicle failure |
1969 | Mars 1969B | USSR | Land | Failure | Launch vehicle failure |
1969 | Mariner 6 | US | Flyby | Success | Returned 75 images |
1969 | Mariner 7 | US | Flyby | Success | Returned 126 images |
1971 | Mariner 8 | US | Land | Failure | Launch failure |
1971 | Kosmos 419 | USSR | Land | Failure | Achieved Earth orbit only |
1971 | Mars 2 Orbiter/Lander | USSR | Land | Failure | Orbiter arrived, but sent no useful data; lander destroyed |
1971 | Mars 3 Orbiter/Lander | USSR | Land | Success/Failure | Orbiter obtained approximately 8 months of data and lander landed safely, but only 20 seconds of data returned |
1971 | Mariner 9 | US | Land | Success | Returned 7,329 images |
1973 | Mars 4 | USSR | Land | Failure | Flew past Mars |
1973 | Mars 5 | USSR | Land | Success | Returned 60 images; only lasted 9 days |
1973 | Mars 6 Orbiter/Lander | USSR | Land | Success/Failure | Occultation experiment produced data and Lander failure on descent |
1973 | Mars 7 Lander | USSR | Land | Failure | Missed planet; now in solar orbit. |
1975 | Viking 1 Orbiter/Lander | US | Land | Success | Orbiter returned over 36,000 images; lander returned first image from the surface of Mars and conducted soil experiments |
1975 | Viking 2 Orbiter/Lander | US | Land | Success | Returned 16,000 images and extensive atmospheric data and soil experiments |
1988 | Phobos 1 Orbiter | USSR | Land | Failure | Lost en route to Mars |
1988 | Phobos 2 Orbiter/Lander | USSR | Land | Failure | Lost near Phobos |
1992 | Mars Observer | US | Land | Failure | Lost prior to Mars arrival |
1996 | Mars Global Surveyor | US | Land | Success | Mapped Mars and its topography; studied indications of Mars’ wetter past |
1996 | Mars 96 | Russia | Land | Failure | Launch vehicle failure |
1996 | Mars Pathfinder | US | Land | Success | Technology experiment lasting 5 times longer than warranty |
1998 | Nozomi | Japan | Land | Failure | No orbit insertion; fuel problems |
1998 | Mars Climate Orbiter | US | Land | Failure | Lost on arrival |
1999 | Mars Polar Lander | US | Land | Failure | Lost on arrival |
1999 | Deep Space 2 Probes (2) | US | Land | Failure | Lost on arrival (carried on Mars Polar Lander) |
2001 | Mars Odyssey | US | Land | Success | High resolution images of Mars |
2003 | Mars Express Orbiter/Beagle 2 Lander | ESA | Land | Success/Failure | Orbiter imaging Mars in detail; lander appears to have landed intact but didn’t communicate with Earth |
2003 | Mars Exploration Rover - Spirit | US | Land | Success | Operated for over 6 years on Mars, long past design life |
2003 | Mars Exploration Rover - Opportunity | US | Land | Success | Operated for nearly 15 years, roving a record 28 miles (45 km) |
2005 | Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter | US | Land | Success | Studying Mars in detail; has returned over 400 terabits of data (more than all other Mars missions combined) |
2007 | Phoenix Mars Lander | US | Land | Success | Returned more than 25 gigabits of data from its studies of Mars’ north polar region |
2011 | Mars Science Laboratory | US | Land | Success | Exploring Mars' habitability |
2011 | Phobos-Grunt/Yinghuo-1 | Russia/China | Land | Failure | Stranded in Earth orbit |
2013 | Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution | US | Land | Success | Studying the Martian atmosphere |
2013 | Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) | India | Land | Success | Develop interplanetary technologies and explore Mars' surface features, mineralogy and atmosphere. |
2016 | ExoMars Orbiter/Schiaparelli EDL Demo Lander | ESA/Russia | Land | Success/Failure | Orbiter studying Martian atmosphere and EDL demo lander lost on arrival |
2018 | Mars InSight Lander | US | Land | Success | Measuring “marsquakes” and studying the planet’s interior |
2020 | Hope Orbiter | UAE | Land | Success | Studying the Martian atmosphere |
2020 | Tianwen-1 Orbiter/Zhurong Rover | China | Land | Success | Orbiter arrived in Feb. 2021; released lander for successful touchdown and rover deployment in May 2021 |
2020 | Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover | US | Land | Success | Searching for signs of ancient life and collecting samples for future return to Earth |
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